Maya Flynn

CFMP, dip. NT, cert. GAPS

 Welcome to GLOW!

My name is Maya Flynn and I specialise in medicinal diets, holistic lifestyle and natural remedies to address specific health concerns. My special area of interest is ‘the gut’ and its effects on overall physiology.

I help people uncover what might be driving their health conditions and address the root cause by creating practical health plans, based on their individual makeup and circumstances. 

Most importantly, I absolutely love what I do and I translate my passion into the the relationship with my patients who are my greatest inspiration and motivation to keep learning and improving.

I'm also more than happy to work alongside your primary healthcare provider for you to achieve the best results.

My qualifications and background

Over the years I've participated in numerous seminars, courses and conferences around Europe and the USA, and I continue to deepen my knowledge in the area of health sciences and natural therapies.

I believe that...

You can't fool nature, achieving good health is a road - not a destination, and even the healthiest of foods can cause disease. This is why my only rule in nutrition is that there are no rules.

I believe that nutrition is the most essential and powerful therapeutic tool for one crucial reason: we can only survive if we eat. Only with food can we provide the raw materials necessary to produce cells, hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies, etc. Consequently, food choices and the (in)ability to utilise nutrients determine the quality of health. A 'perfect diet' or one ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ doesn't exist. Individual nutritional needs originate in the digestive capacity, absorption and microbial ecosystem that is unique to everyone, which is why this is my area of expertise.

I think that chronic diseases start in the gut and in the mind so I address these in parallel. I value traditional solutions used for centuries in the form of classical naturopathy, Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine and natural movement, which I combine with modern Functional Medicine methodologies and diagnostics.

My passions

I find the science of human physiology fascinating. I keep studying how the body works because it helps me find dysfunctions and root causes of illness in order to put the puzzle together. I am also equally passionate about nourishing traditions around the world.

I enjoy dining and having friends over for dinners. I relax in nature, especially by the water, and in the kitchen. Cooking is art for me and my meditation. Apart from that, I love traveling and snowboarding.

Why I established GLOW

Apparently when you learn, you should also teach. GLOW is my interface for passing on what I learn.

I also have a business background where Change Management is key. This, together with my interest in health, has created a solid basis to help people invite change into their lives. Having worked in corporations for years, I have learned how little time people have to get their heads around implementing new habits. There is also plenty of misconception about what's healthy for whom, which can be confusing and frustrating. Everyone deserves good health and I want to help people achieve it.

The road I've been on has become my greatest passion and it will continue evolving because there is so much to learn yet. Enjoy your own road and I hope GLOW will serve you well on the way.
